Did you move to a new place and no longer have room for your piano? If so, you may be looking to store it until you have a need for it again. Here are some tips to follow for putting a piano into storage.
Use A Climate Controlled Unit
Self-storage facilities will have two options to pick from. While you can save money with a standard unit, you really want one that has climate controls for your pianos. You should take steps to make sure that the wood of the piano is protected, since it is sensitive to changes in temperature or moisture. If you leave a piano exposed in high humidity conditions, it can cause the wood to warp or form mold and mildew. All of this will impact the sound of the piano when you take it out of storage.
Clean The Piano
You should give the piano's exterior a nice polishing before it goes into storage. Any dirt or dust on your piano can cause the surface to become scratched, and the police can help protect it. Wood polish also helps prevent the wood surface from becoming too dry.
Hire Professional Movers
The purpose of storing your piano will be to someday use it again, which is why you want to take extra care when moving the piano to the storage unit. It is best to hire professional movers to do this job for you. They not only have experience moving heavy objects like a piano, but have all the tools to make sure it's moved safely.
Cover The Piano
You'll want to place a moving blanket over the piano after it has been moved into the unit. This will prevent dust from falling onto the surface. If you are putting other things into storage, do not rest them on top of the piano either. You do not want the weight of heavy boxes damaging the top of the piano.
It will also help to take a clean cloth and put it over the keys, then shut the key lid to hold the cloth in its place. This cloth will also help prevent dust from finding its way between the various keys of the piano while it is away in your storage unit.
For more tips on storing a piano in storage, speak to your storage company. They can give you additional tips for how to best use storage units.
Share17 May 2018
Storage units make it possible for us to hold onto the things that we aren't quite ready to let go of. Whether you have moved into a smaller home, or your collection has simply outgrown the house you are in, a storage unit can make it possible to keep the things that you love. If you pack and store things properly, you don't have to worry about pests, heat, cold and moisture damaging the things that you have stored. This blog will show you how to protect your belongings by teaching you how to pack and store things in a way that will protect them.