If you need to place all of your furniture in a storage unit for a period of time and have several different antique couches and chairs, then you will need to protect your furniture from some very specific types of pests. These pests include carpet beetles. To learn why carpet beetles may be an issue and to also find out how to keep them from destroying your furniture, keep reading.
25 October 2016
While babies may be small, they can take up a lot of space in your home. They have cribs, changing tables, walkers, bouncers, strollers, rockers, and a multitude of other items. Because of this, you may find that you run out of room in you smaller starter home. However, if you are planning on having another child, it doesn't make sense to get rid of all of your baby gear and start over.
27 January 2016
Whether you just got married and are trying to fit two homes into one or want to clear out a spare bedroom to start a home business, getting a self-storage unit is an excellent way to store extra items you don't currently need. If you have a lot of things to store but don't want to pay for multiple units, here are three ways to fit more stuff in your storage unit.
6 October 2015
When it comes time to store your valuables, collectibles and other favorites, you may have many options, but which is going to take the best care of that antique chair, stamp collection or signed oil painting? Should you stuff the basement, attic or closets with everything you're not using at the moment? Chances are good that your fine items require more TLC than your home can offer. Here are nine things that really benefit from climate controlled storage unit at a facility like North Star Mini Storage.
2 October 2015